When we show up on the news

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The first time someone wanted to put me in a magazine - Hamburg Journal: Lexington, Kentucky

Y’all, my toddler had the stomach bug for two days and just as I was finally getting a day to clean up the pukey house, Megan and her photographer show up a knockin’. I had forgotten all about inviting them over for their January issue, and I was lookin’ a damn hot mess, I swear. But they stayed patient with me while I ran frantically through the house throwing on makeup and a denim dress, trying to small talk and make them talk about themselves to divert. The visit wasn’t totally up to standards, I imagine, but it was real and they HAD to have giggled in the car about it later. I pulled some leftovers out of the fridge and said, “Alright girls, take your shots!”


Let’s get this done so I can go camping with my girls - Smiley Pete Publishing, Business Lexington: Lexington, Kentucky

“I think I’m gonna wear the orange jumpsuit.” I packed the whole car that morning with plans to head to the Red River Gorge with two of my best girlfriends for a couple days. Bill, the photographer, met me there and kept me giggling the whole time. We were done by 10:30am, I ran home to change and then picked up the gals for a healing time in the woods. I won’t lie, this pic makes me want to chop off my hair.


You can only read this is you have a subscription - Kentucky.com: Lexington, Kentucky

I was grouting the tile in my brick & mortar while doing this interview. I’d also called my mom right before our conversation and processed the decision to pause cooking until we could get the place open. It brought a lot of freedom and made the conversation with Janet easy.

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Covid-19 Zoom Interview #1 - WKYT: Lexington, KY

Another denim dress, my favorite one! I sat right here in front of this upside down world map in the dining room, scribbled out my elevator speech on paper so I could glance at it should I need to, and went for it. I’m actually really proud of this interview.