Flower Thoughts: Pullin' Weeds

Sometimes I leave weeds in the ground that I’m not sure about, for my mom to look at later and confirm whether they are weeds or not. Usually they are. “You gotta pull that out, it’s nasty stuff and will take over.”

Intricate tiny flowers or leaf patterns and thickness that make you question whether or not we’ve been so caught up in our bigger and better plants that we’ve not appreciated all those weeds. You want to leave them, give them a chance.

But they’re zapping all of the energy from the plants you’re actually trying to grow. “Taking up prime real estate,” as Anna would say. Pulling them from the root will give more underground space for those big flowers to grow. Same with all the leaves of the weeds blocking essential sunlight. They have to go.

Do you think we, as people, are constantly evaluating our weed situation, yanking those things by the root and then letting them go? Like, really digging deep to see where we’ve gotten complacent, agreeing to be open to change and then just pulling the weeds out?

Been thinking about this a lot, seeing as it’s weed season in my garden and I’m starting a new business. Nourished Folks simply has to be a place where we are not afraid to weed our gardens. To give space for really good stuff to grow, even when the weeds temporarily look enticing. We have to get stuff by the roots, weed eat, and clean up our yard!

Eventually it feels good. You see the fruits of the labor of your weeding. Those huge blooms. The bigger tomatoes and happy, untangled beans. Oh! Let’s talk about dead heading next time.

Nourished Folks is dedicated to lifelong learning. Unlearning, relearning. Listening and moving. Pulling weeds all the time. Want to do that with us?

Nourished Folks

Nourished Folks is a really good food place in Lexington, Kentucky. Lots of fresh food and vegetables that feel good to eat.


Loving Food


Feeding People Together: Thank you!